Welcome to the latest BriefingsDirect SOA Insights Edition Vol. 6, a weekly discussion and dissection of Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)-related news and events, with a panel of independent IT industry analysts. Wrapping up the year, our crew tackles 2006 with a SOA review. The boys also take a look forward to 2007 with a series of SOA predictions. Join Steve Garone, Joe McKendrick, Jon Collins and Tony Baer for our discussion, hosted and moderated by Dana Gardner. Top predictions favor more software infrastructure consolidation amid corporate mergers, a move to increased modeling in SOA, and roughly a 25% increase in SOA-related deployments in the New Year. Join us as we delve into these complex and fascinating subjects. Feel free to read a full transcript of the discussion at http://briefingsdirect.blogspot.com/2006/12/transcript-of-briefingsdirect-soa_19.html.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_Insights6.mp3
Category:B2B Informational Podcast -- posted at: 11:23am EDT