The next BriefingsDirect discussion explores the changing role and impact of content marketing, using the IT industry as a prime example. Just as companies now communicate with their consumers and prospects in much different ways -- with higher emphasis on social interactions, user feedback, big data analysis, and even more content to drive conversations -- so too the IT industry has abruptly changed.

There's more movement to cloud models, to mobile applications, to leveraging data at every chance -- and they are also facing lower-margin subscription business models. The margin for error is shrinking in the IT industry. If any industry is the poster child for how to deal with rapid change on all fronts, including marketing, it's surely the global information technology market.

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To examine how the IT industry is adjusting to the dynamic nature of marketing, we're joined by Lora Kratchounova, the Founder and Principal at Scratch Marketing and Media in Cambridge, Mass. The discussion is moderated by Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions.

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