The current economic downturn has highlighted how drastically businesses and their IT operations need to change, whether in growth, reductions, or transformation (or all three). As IT budgets react to change, leaders need to better understand managing change, and not have change manage them. One strong way to be on top of change is by employing IT portfolio management techniques, products, and processes. To learn more about helping enterprises better manage their IT costs and priorities while preparing for flexible growth when the economic tide turns, we welcome Lori Ellsworth, Vice President of Changepoint Solutions at Compuware and David A. Kelly, senior analyst at Upside Research. The discussion is moderated by BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner. View a full transcript of the discussion at Sponsor: Compuware.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_-_Compuware_on_IT_Portfolio_Management.mp3
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