I began working with Barb Darrow back in 1988 at bi-monthly engineering trade pub Design News, and always respected her tenacity, verve, and newshound instincts. Barb went on to InfoWorld in 1993 but had left by the time I got there to run news for the website in 1995. Now as longtime Industry Editor at CRN, she's the Helen Thomas (in only the best possible way) of the IT press corp. So it seemed fitting to sit down with Barb and chew the fat on what's up in IT vendor shortcomings and victories ... what some call IT vendor sports. For some great "inside baseball" insights on what is top of mind (or should be) for Microsoft, HP, IBM, SAP, Oracle ... and the rest of the gang, have a listen to this BriefingsDirect podcast with myself and the mistress of scoop, Barb Darrow of CRN.
Direct download: CRN_Sleuth_Barb_Darrow_on_IT_Vendor_Sports_20060508_0948.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:39am EST