Enterprises Seek Better Ways to Discover, Manage and Master their Information Explosion Headaches Businesses of all stripes need better means of access, governance, and data lifecycle best practices, given the vast ocean of new information coming from many different directions. By getting a better handle on information explosion, enterprises can gain clarity in understanding what is really going on within the businesses, and, especially these days, across dynamic market environments. The immediate solution approach requires capturing, storing, managing, finding, and using information better. We’ve all seen a precipitous drop in the cost of storage and a dramatic rise in the incidents of data from all kinds of devices and across more kinds of business processes, from sensors to social media. To help better understand how to best manage and leverage information, even as it’s exploding around us, we’re joined by Suzanne Prince, worldwide director of information solutions marketing at Hewlett-Packard (HP). The discussion is moderated by BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner. Read a full transcript of the discussion at Download a transcript at Sponsor: HP.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect-Managing_Information_Explosion.mp3
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