HP's Andy Isherwood on Running IT Like a Business With an Eye to Transformation of IT's Role Welcome to a special BriefingsDirect podcast series from the Hewlett-Packard Software Universe 2009 Conference in Las Vegas the week of June 15, 2009. In many companies, IT departments remain in a silo, often not reporting to the CEO, and often unfortunately disconnected from the main business imperatives. Now, the combination the down economy, tight IT budgets, and the advent of more cloud sourcing and data center architecture options offer two paths to IT leaders: Remain on the alienated edge, or move to center-stage in how businesses adapt to their changing markets. HP at its Software Universe conference has provided a unified people, process and product roadmap for how to transform IT, and therefore better help transform the business. To more deeply understand the transformative challenges facing IT and business leaders alike, BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner interviews Andy Isherwood, Vice President and General Manager of HP Software and Solutions. Read a full transcript at http://briefingsdirect.blogspot.com/2009/06/hps-andy-isherwood-on-running-it-like.html. Sponsor: Hewlett-Packard.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_SWU_2009_Isherwood.mp3
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