SOA Insights Analysts on SOA Appliances, BPEL4People and GPL v3 Welcome to the latest BriefingsDirect SOA Insights Edition, Vol. 21, a weekly discussion and dissection of Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)-related news and events, with a panel of IT analysts. In this episode, recorded June 29, 2007, our experts are joined by guest Jim Ricotta, vice president and general manager of appliances within IBM’s software group. Together we explore the role and definition of IT infrastructure appliances and the impact on SOA. Other topics addressed include the BPEL4People specification, as well as the arrival of the GPL v3 open source license. Please join noted IT industry analysts and experts Tony Baer, Jim Kobielus, Brad Shimmin and Todd Biske for our discussion, hosted and moderated by Dana Gardner. Read a full transcript of the podcast at
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