Solving IT Energy Use Issues Requires Holistic Approach to Efficiency Planning and Management The critical and global problem of energy management for IT operations and data centers has emerged as both a cost and capacity issue. The goal is to find innovative means to conservation so that existing facilities don't need to be expanded or replaced. In order to promote a low-risk matching of energy supply and cost with the lowest IT energy demand possible, the entire and contextual IT landscape needs to be considered. That means an enterprise-by-enterprise examination of the "many sins" of energy mis-management. To learn more about how enterprises should begin an energy-conservation mission, BriefingsDIrect's Dana Gardner spoke with Ian Jagger, Worldwide Data Center Services marketing manager in Hewlett-Packard's (HP) Technology Solutions Group, and Andrew Fisher, manager of technology strategy in the Industry Standard Services group at HP. Read a full transcript of the discussion at: Sponsor: Hewlett-Packard.
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