Visibility and Control Over API Use and Volume is Crucial as Enterprises Ramp to SaaS and Cloud As established enterprise IT expectations meet up with cutting-edge cloud delivery models, there's a clear need for additional trust and maturity in order for enterprises to further adopt cloud-based services. Enterprise IT expectations on visibility, control, and security to software as a service (SaaS), and cloud-based applications delivery need tools that manage the applications use and the use patterns for providers. This podcast examines how one SaaS provider, Innotas, has developed a more matured view into services operations and application programming interfaces (APIs) and how they can extend the benefits from that visibility to their customers. We'll hear how Innotas, an on-demand project portfolio management (PPM) service, derives more analytics from network activity and thereby provide mounting confidence in how services are performing. To better understand how Innotas has used solutions from Sonoa Systems to provide better managed services based on service level agreements (SLAs), BriefingsDIrect's Dana Gardner recently interviewed Tim Madewell, vice president of operations at Innotas, as well as Chet Kapoor, CEO of Sonoa Systems. Listen here or read a full transcript of the discussion at: Sponsor: Sonoa Systems.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_-_Sonoa_Software_on_Role_of_APIs_in_Cloud_Computing.mp3
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