Explore How SOA and SaaS Convergence Produces New Integration-as-a-Service Benefits As the use of mashups sweeps the IT industry, the concept of converging Web services has expanded to a deeper role. Why not extend SOA itself by embracing more integration services that help vendors, ISVs, and service providers bring more elements of business processes together, too? The budding notion of integration-as-a-service allows enterprise business leaders to "shop around" for their services, regardless of hosting, and opens up the prospect for a thriving new ecology of services and integration models. The advancement to SOA for many companies may well be accelerated by more choices on means of connection. Join Annrai O'Toole, CEO of Cape Clear Software, and Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions, for an eye-opening discussion on how early adopters are outsourcing integration, and what the future may hold. Read a full transcript of the discussion at http://briefingsdirect.blogspot.com/2007/07/transcript-of-briefingsdirect-podcast.html. Sponsor: Cape Clear Software.
Direct download: Briefings_Direct_CapeClear5.mp3
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