SOA Insights Analysts Delve into SOA Consortium's Goals with OMG CEO Richard Soley Welcome to the latest BriefingsDirect SOA Insights Edition, Vol. 14, a weekly discussion and dissection of Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)-related news and events, with a panel of IT analysts. In this episode, recorded March 9, 2007, our experts examine the SOA Consortium, formed Feb. 12. The advocacy group's approach combines input from enterprises and vendors to promote the business value and adoption paths for SOA. Our guest this week is Dr. Richard Soley, the chairman and CEO of the Object Management Group (OMG) and also executive director of the consortium. We also look at news from EclipseCon. Join noted IT analysts Joe McKendrick, Tony Baer, and Jim Kobielus for our discussion, hosted and moderated by Interarbor analyst Dana Gardner. Read a full transcript of the podcast at
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Category:B2B Informational Podcast -- posted at: 1:01pm EST

UPS Visibility Solutions Help Businesses Drive Customer Service Via Managed Supply Chains Effective information-sharing across the distribution of goods -- visibility into transportation supply chains and distribution networks -- is a part of the information revolution and the knowledge economy. Global players in the distribution channel are looking for reductions in cost, efficiency improvements, and reduced time to distribution -- all of which can substantially reduce the total cost of an overall production and distribution activity. UPS started with tracking on the Web in the early '90s and today supports tracking in 63 countries. UPS serves the basic supply chain visibility needs of shippers, receivers, importers, and exporters -- both residential and commercial, through its traditional U.S. small package services, as well as via UPS Freight, Air, and Ocean Freight Services. This podcast examines the visibility service UPS has in place, as well as the market trends driving the need for greater supply chain technology and efficiency. Join Jim Rice, director of the Integrated Supply Chain Management Program at MIT; Stephanie Callaway, director of customer technology marketing at UPS; Frank Deen is the shipping manager at Rackmount Solutions, and John Schaffer, president of TrueWave, in this podcast discussion, moderated by Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner. Read a full transcript of the discussion at Sponsor: UPS.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_UPS1_.mp3
Category:B2B Informational Podcast -- posted at: 6:09am EST

A Sneak Peek at IBM's Jazz Collaborative ALM Framework and Community IBM helped the Eclipse Foundation score a huge hit with the Eclipse development framework and community. Now the software engineering target is even higher, but the methods are similar. IBM will in June will unveil details about its Jazz framework and community for automation and governance of complex, collaborative application development processes. IBM will make elements of the community open, as well as interlace new Rational, Lotus, WebSphere and Tivoli products with Jazz. Hear BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner interview Scott Hebner, the vice president for marketing and strategy for IBM Rational Software, on some key elements of the emerging ALM 2.0 framework. Read a full transcript of the discussion at Sponsor: Interarbor Solutions.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_IBMJazz.mp3
Category:B2B Informational Podcast -- posted at: 8:43pm EST

Open Source Projects Empower SOA Infrastructure Definition and Development Unlike earlier open source initiatives, which often trailed commercial development of crucial software infrastructure, today's many community-based services oriented architecture (SOA) projects are early-on defining the means through which SOA can be realized. Development of commercial and open source versions of essential SOA components are happening concurrently. To explore why this is true and how open source will shape the future of SOA infrastructure, join Dan Kulp, principal engineer and community lead at IONA Technologies, and Debbie Moynihan, IONA's director of open source programs, for a sponsored BriefingsDirect podcast discussion, hosted by Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner. IONA Technologies is taking an active role in several open source SOA initiatives, including the CXF enterprise service bus framework. Read a full transcript of the discussion at Sponsor: IONA Technologies.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_IONA2_copy_1.mp3
Category:B2B Informational Podcast -- posted at: 11:44am EST

Borland's Open ALM Ushers Application Development into a Managed Business Process Many people have defined software development as more art than science -- sometimes even a dark art. That's why the business side of an enterprise is often perplexed by the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) process. They see what goes in as requirements, and see what comes out as functionality -- but they often don’t understand what takes place in between. Yet new trends are unfolding in ALM, called ALM 2.0, to help organizations transform software development and deployment into a managed business process. Learn how Borland Software and its new Open ALM approach is helping to improve visibility into and coordination of application development, regardless of the tools, testing, or platforms. Join Carey Schwaber, a senior analyst at Forrester Research; Brian Kilcourse, CEO of the Retail Systems Alert Group and former SVP and CIO of Longs Drug Stores, and Marc Brown, vice president of product marketing at Borland for discussion on ALM. Learn about future trends in ALM 2.0 and Borland's approach to professionalizing application development and deployment in this discussion, moderated by Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner. Read a full transcript of the discussion at Sponsor: Borland Software.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_Borland3.mp3
Category:B2B Informational Podcast -- posted at: 3:20pm EST