Welcome to the latest BriefingsDirect SOA Insights Edition, a weekly discussion and dissection of service oriented architecture (SOA) and related news and events with a panel of independent IT industry analysts and guests. Yours truly, Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions, is your host and moderator. BriefingsDirect SOA Insights Edition brings a new focus to the SOA thought leadership field by assembling noted independent IT industry analysts and guests to investigate the trends and news of the week. Take the content via this blog and excerpts, by listening to the podcast, and/or by perusing the full transcript of the discussion. This week's panel consists of Steve Garone, a former program vice president at IDC and founder of the AlignIT Group, Neil Macehiter, a research director at Macehiter Ward-Dutton, and making his debut Joe McKendrick, an independent research consultant, a contributing editor and columnist for Database Trends, and a SOA blogger for ZDNet and ebizQ. This week's topics center around the recent Oracle OpenWorld conference focused on Oracle's ecology and products. Take a look at these thoughful analysts as they weed through the many weighty Oracle announcements and developments -- including the bombshell Unbreakable Linux announcement. Feel free to peruse the transcript of the discussion at http://briefingsdirect.blogspot.com/2006/11/transcript-of-dana-gardners_15.html.
Direct download: SOA_Insights_4_20061115.mp3
Category:B2B Informational Podcast -- posted at: 2:31pm EST

Welcome to BriefingsDirect SOA Insights Edition, a weekly discussion and dissection of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and related news and events with a panel of independent IT industry analysts and guests. Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions, is your host and moderator. This week's panel consists of Steve Garone, a former program vice president at IDC, Neil Ward-Dutton, a research director at Macehiter Ward-Dutton, and Jeff Pendleton, a former IT executive who has filled many roles, at BEA, HP and other firms. The topics are the relationship between SOA and open source as well as a lively discussion on what SOA needs to be better accepted by business leaders. Feel free to peruse the transcript of the discussion at http://briefingsdirect.blogspot.com/2006/11/transcript-of-dana-gardners.html.
Direct download: SOA_Insights_3_20061105.mp3
Category:B2B Informational Podcast -- posted at: 1:08pm EST

The ramp-up and roll-out of Microsoft Windows Vista is around the corner. As small office, home office (SOHO) users and businesses face this new look, feel, and function set for their PCs they are also -- in record numbers -- relying on remote access service providers such as Rent-a-Geek. From fixing Windows 95 to tuning Vista, these remote access "geeks" are building large-scale business based on the power of such low-cost products and services as LogMeIn's Rescue and LogMeIn's IT Reach. When PCs face trouble, or when users want their maintenance and malware protection automated, PC remediation companies are not just asking users to drop off the hardware in the next town -- the technicians can actually enter the PC remotely via the Internet and fix the problem at the users desk ... anywhere. All it takes is a phone and an Internet connection. Listen to this sponsored BriefingsDirect podcast where moderator and host Dana Gardner discusses the business opportunity for remote PC remediation and maintenance services with Rent-a-Geek Founder and President Keith Schiehl. Sponsor: LogMeIn, Inc. For an instant trial of LogMeIn Rescue, the solution Rent-A-Geek relies on for its highly successful remote support business, visit www.LogMeInRescue.com/podcast. Within five minutes of signing up, you can conduct your first remote support session. And, through this special link, you’ll receive an automatic three-week trial (a full week longer than the standard trial). Get your trial going at www.LogMeInRescue.com/podcast. Read the podcast discussion transcript at http://briefingsdirect.blogspot.com/2006/10/transcript-of-dana-gardners_31.html.
Direct download: LogMeInRescue_20061029.mp3
Category:B2B Informational Podcast -- posted at: 10:18am EST