Mon, 29 June 2009

Welcome to a special BriefingsDirect podcast series from the Hewlett-Packard Software Universe 2009 Conference in Las Vegas the week of June 15, 2009. Quality early sounds nice, but making it happen brings significant cost savings, repeatable QA processes, user satisfaction, and shorter development cycles. The results reward developers and IT operators alike. To better understand the journey to quality assurance for new applications -- and the processes that work best -- BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner interviews Michael Cooper, director of enterprise quality management, at HP Software and Solutions Excellence Award winner T-Mobile USA. Read a full transcript of the discussion at Sponsor: Hewlett-Packard.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_SWU_2009_-_TMobile.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:11pm EST
Fri, 26 June 2009

The global economic downturn has accelerated the need to reduce total IT cost through identification and elimination of wasteful operations and practices. At the same time, IT departments need to better define and implement streamlined processes for operations and also for proving how new projects begin and unfold. Knowing the true cost and benefits of complex and often sprawling IT portfolios quickly helps improve the financial performance of how to quantify IT operations. Gaining real-time visibility into dynamic IT cost structures provides a powerful tool for reducing cost, while also maintaining and improving overall performance. Holistic visibility across an entire IT portfolio also develops the visual analytics that can help better probe for cost improvements and uncover waste. Here to help us understand how to bring improved financial management capabilities to enterprise IT departments we're joined by two executives from Hewlett-Packard Software and Solutions: Ken Cheney, director of product marketing for IT Financial Management, and John Wills, practice leader for the Business Intelligence Solutions Group. The discussion is moderated by BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner. Read a full transcript of the discussion at Sponsor: HP.
Sun, 21 June 2009

Welcome to a special BriefingsDirect podcast series from the Hewlett-Packard Software Universe 2009 Conference in Las Vegas the week of June 15, 2009. As services pervade how and what IT delivers, quality assurance early and often becomes the gatekeeper of success -- or the points of failure. IT's job is evolving to make sure all services really work inside business process -- regardless of their origins and sourcing. Quality of component services is assurance of quality processes, and so such pervasive quality is no longer an option. Part of making quality endemic becomes organizational, of asserting quality in everything IT does, quality in everything IT's partners do. It even now means quality in how the IT department is run and managed. To better learn how service-enabled testing and quality-enabling methods of running IT become critical mainstays of IT success, BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner interviews Robin Purohit, Vice President Software Products, at HP Software and Solutions. Read a full transcript at Sponsor: Hewlett-Packard.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_SWU_2009_Robin_Purohit.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 12:09pm EST
Sun, 21 June 2009

Welcome to a special BriefingsDirect podcast series from the Hewlett-Packard Software Universe 2009 Conference in Las Vegas the week of June 15, 2009. When people think of Software as a Service (SaaS) Web delivery, they often envision business applications. But HP has been delivering quality assurance and applications performance management functions via SaaS for years. As interest in cloud computing ramps up, the ability to deliver more aspects of IT lifecycle and quality management, along with project and portfolio oversight values, also ramps up. A missing ingredient for IT innovators has been how to begin and how to organize these changes effectively. To better understand the expanding role of SaaS within IT, and how professional services can newly help in transitions to SaaS use by IT departments, BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner interviews two executives from HP's Software and Solutions, Scott Kupor, Vice President and General Manager of Software-as-a-Service, and Anand Eswaran, Vice President, Professional Services. Read a full transcript at Sponsor: Hewlett-Packard.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_SWU_2009_Kupor-Eswaran.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:41am EST
Sun, 21 June 2009

Welcome to a special BriefingsDirect podcast series from the Hewlett-Packard Software Universe 2009 Conference in Las Vegas the week of June 15, 2009. In many companies, IT departments remain in a silo, often not reporting to the CEO, and often unfortunately disconnected from the main business imperatives. Now, the combination the down economy, tight IT budgets, and the advent of more cloud sourcing and data center architecture options offer two paths to IT leaders: Remain on the alienated edge, or move to center-stage in how businesses adapt to their changing markets. HP at its Software Universe conference has provided a unified people, process and product roadmap for how to transform IT, and therefore better help transform the business. To more deeply understand the transformative challenges facing IT and business leaders alike, BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner interviews Andy Isherwood, Vice President and General Manager of HP Software and Solutions. Read a full transcript at Sponsor: Hewlett-Packard.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_SWU_2009_Isherwood.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:20am EST
Fri, 19 June 2009

Welcome to a special BriefingsDirect podcast series from the Hewlett-Packard Software Universe 2009 Conference in Las Vegas the week of June 15, 2009. Quality early sounds nice, but making it happen brings significant cost savings, repeatable QA processes, user satisfaction, and shorter development cycles. The results reward developers and IT operators alike. To better understand the journey to quality assurance for new applications -- and the processes that work best -- BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner interviews IT executives at FICO, Gevity and JetBlue. Read a full transcript at Sponsor: Hewlett-Packard.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_SWU_2009_Customer_1.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:34am EST
Fri, 19 June 2009

Welcome to a special BriefingsDirect podcast series from the Hewlett-Packard Software Universe 2009 Conference in Las Vegas the week of June 15, 2009. HP's purchase last year of EDS came just as talk of cloud computing options ramped up. So how does long-time outsourcing pioneer EDS fit into a new cloud ecology? Is EDS a cloud provider? And how will IT departments factor their decisions on what to keep on-premises in data centers versus placing on someone else's cloud infrastructure? We pose these and other "fluid sourcing" future questions to David Gee, Vice President of Marketing at EDS, in an interview by BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner. Read a full transcript at Sponsor: Hewlett-Packard.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_SWU_2009_David_Gee.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:25am EST
Fri, 19 June 2009

Welcome to a special BriefingsDirect podcast series from the Hewlett-Packard Software Universe 2009 Conference in Las Vegas the week of June 15, 2009. IT departments are nowadays having to do more with less, gaining additional productivity while spending less money. It sounds simple, but is very complex. How do IT departments and companies approach this problem? To probe deeper into the new IT economies of performance, BriefingsDirect sat down with Anton Knolmar, Vice President of Marketing for HP Software & Solutions, for a discussion moderated by Dana Gardner. Read a full transcript at Sponsor: Hewlett-Packard.
Direct download: BriefingsDirect_SWU_2009_Anton_Knolmar.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:10am EST
Wed, 10 June 2009

Welcome to the latest BriefingsDirect Analyst Insights Edition, Vol. 42. Our latest topic centers on governance as a requirement and an enabler for cloud computing. We discuss more than IT governance, or service-oriented architecture (SOA) governance. The goal is really more about extended enterprise processes, resource consumption, and resource-allocation governance. In other words, "total services governance." Any meaningful move to cloud-computing adoption, certainly that which aligns and coexists with existing enterprise IT, will need to have such total governance in place. We see a lot of evidence that the IT vendor community and the cloud providers themselves recognize the need for this pending market need and requirement for additional governance. Listen then as we go round-robin with our IT analyst panelists on their top five reasons why service governance is critical and mandatory for enterprises to properly and safely modernize and prosper vis-à-vis cloud computing: David A. Kelly, president of Upside Research; Joe McKendrick, independent analyst and ZDNet blogger, and Ron Schmelzer, senior analyst at ZapThink. Our discussion is hosted and moderated by BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner. Read a full transcript of the discussion at Charter Sponsor: Active Endpoints. Sponsor: TIBCO Software.
Tue, 2 June 2009

Enterprises are seeking cloud computing efficiency benefits, lower total costs, and a heightened ability to deliver services that support agile business processes. So-called private clouds, or those flexible computing models that enterprises can control on-premises, have a lot in common with longstanding mainframe computing models and techniques. New developments in mainframe automation and other technologies support the use of mainframes for delivering cloud-computing advantages -- and help accelerate the ability to solve recession-era computing challenges around cost, power, energy use and reliability. In this podcast, we'll learn how mainframe is the cloud. We're joined by Chris O'Malley, executive vice president and general manager for CA's Mainframe Business Unit. The discussion is moderated by BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner. Read a full transcript of the interview at Sponsor: CA.
Mon, 1 June 2009

The impact of cloud computing is most often analyzed through its expected disruption of IT vendors, or the media, or as an economic balm for developers and Web 2.0 start-ups. Yet cloud computing is much more than a just newcomer on the Internet hype curve. The heritage of what cloud computing represents dates back to the dawn of information technology (IT), to the very beginnings of how government agencies and large commercial enterprises first accessed powerful computers to solve complex problems. So how does cloud computing fit into the whole journey of the last 35 years of IT? What is the context of cloud computing in the real-world enterprise? How do we take the vision and apply it to today's enterprise concerns and requirements? To help understand the difference between the reality and the vision for cloud computing, BriefingsDirect's Dana Gardner recently interviewed Frank Gillett, vice president and principal analyst for cloud computing topics at Forrester Research. Watch a video of the interview at Read a full transcript of the discussion at Sponsor: Akamai Technologies.